January 30, 2009

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Please, sir, we want some more infrastructure

You've probably heard that the American Society of Civil Engineers grades American bridges a C and roads a D-. Does it make you nervous that the ones with the better grade seem to keep noticeably falling down and killing innocent people? Yeah, me too. And since we're about driving here, I won't even go into the deplorable state of aviation, water systems, dams, levees and so on.

So what is the deal with an economic stimulus package that devotes $300 billion to tax cuts and a measly $18 billion to badly needed infrastructure spending? Who hasn't noticed that our generous government has knocked itself out (and pretty much bankrupted the country) in its efforts to bribe the voters with tax cuts over the past several years? That worked out well, didn't it? Wasn't it Einstein who said something like: the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results? Oh, but they're all smarter than Einstein down there in Washington, right? Wrong!

Look, I'm sure we all appreciate the extra few bucks, but you can't give us enough to solve our financial problems, so please put the money where it will do some good, and create jobs so we can solve our own financial problems. Stop pandering and start doing the work we hired you for! Give us more infrastructure now! Please. Thank you.
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