January 4, 2011

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How to stop texting while driving: help from AT&T

Honestly, it was not my plan to kick off the new year crabbing about texting and driving. Again. I had every intention of starting out on a cheerier note with a funnier post. But the helpful folks at AT&T had other ideas, and now that they mention it, I can see their point. So it's back to the same old tired topic. You know how to make us stop, don't you? That's right! Stop doing it!! Please???

So we've pledged to Oprah. (We have, haven't we? Did you forget? Well, go on and do it right now. We'll wait. Here's the link: No Phone Zone) And Lord knows Mother's nagged you enough about it over the past year, hasn't she? Don't think so? Check out these examples:

Great highway safety news and a reminder
Have I nagged you about texting lately?
Distracted driving: Are we still texting and chatting on the road?
Texting is not the only thing teens should NOT do while driving
Have I issued a commandment lately?
Why you should NEVER text while driving

And I suspect I may have missed one or two. So here I was thinking that was plenty enough, when a new Facebook page came along with the depressing message that I was wrong. Some Who out there in Whoville is apparently STILL texting while driving, so AT&T (mindful, no doubt, of its role in this sorry state of affairs) has created one more pledge, and a complete program to go along with it, bless its little pointed head.

So if you know one of those slackers who hasn't got the message yet, would you please, please, please pass the word along? Because Mother's heart has had more than enough breaking over these tragic stories and far too many others. She doesn't want to hear any more of them. Not one! You probably don't either, do you? And just to be be crystal clear: we don't want it to be because they've quit telling us; we want it to be because there are no more tragic stories to tell. So let's thank the poor souls with the really broken hearts who have lived those stories and been kind enough to share. Let's think about the consequences the next time we're tempted to pick up the phone behind the wheel, and don't do it. And let's resolve not to create any more tragedies for any more grieving victims. Not one! OK? Thank you!

Here's the AT&T Facebook page, where you can watch a powerful video, take the pledge and follow links to the full documentary and more resources:

Make a New Years Resolution Not to Text and Drive

Seriously, please promise Mother, Oprah and AT&T that you will NEVER text and drive so we can put this problem behind us once and for all. And stay tuned for that cheery post I promised you any day now.

Best wishes to everyone for a happy and salubrious 2011!

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Blogger Erik said...

I think this effort by AT&T will help drivers get the message. It has to start with the end user, the driver...deciding not to partake in distracted driving and this will help drive that message home.

I also decided to do something about teen (and adult) distracted driving after my three year old daughter was nearly run down right in front of me by a texting driver. Instead of a shackle that locks down phones and alienates the user (especially teens) I built a tool for teens and their parents called OTTER that is a simple, GPS based, texting auto reply app for smartphones. It also silences call ringtones while driving unless you have a bluetooth enabled. I think if we can empower the individual then change will come to our highways now and not just our laws.

Erik Wood, owner

2:48 PM  

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